
Samsung GALAXY Ace2 vs LG Optimus L7 audio test comparison

Samsung GALAXY Ace2 vs LG Optimus L7 RMAA audio test comparison.

There are a links to detail tests:

Frequency response

THD + Noise (at -3 dB FS)

Dynamic range

Intermodulation distortion

Noise level

IMD (swept tones)

LG Optimus L7 audio test

This is an audio RMAA test report of LG Optimus L7 (P705/P700).

LG Optimus L7

Testing chain: Optimus L7 (16-bit, 44.1 kHz WAV file playback) -> CORDA ARIETTA -> Creative Sound Blaster Digital Music Premium HD line-in (24-bit, 48 kHz).
Frequency response (from 40 Hz to 15 kHz), dB : -0.02, -1.68
Noise level, dB (A) : -85.9
Dynamic range, dB (A) : 87.3
THD, % : 0.021
THD + Noise, dB (A) : -67.2
IMD + Noise, % : 0.107
Stereo crosstalk, dB : -84.2
IMD at 10 kHz, % : 0.053

Testing chain: Optimus L7 with 16 Ohm load (16-bit, 44.1 kHz WAV file playback) -> CORDA ARIETTA -> Creative Sound Blaster Digital Music Premium HD line-in (24-bit, 48 kHz).
Frequency response (from 40 Hz to 15 kHz), dB : -0.07, -1.71
Noise level, dB (A) : -85.0
Dynamic range, dB (A) : 86.5
THD, % : 0.036
THD + Noise, dB (A) : -65.1
IMD + Noise, % : 0.114
Stereo crosstalk, dB : -55.8
IMD at 10 kHz, % : 0.085

CORDA ARIETTA preamplifier with crossfeed filter turned off.

Frequency response

Noise level

Dynamic range

THD + Noise (at -3 dB FS)

Intermodulation distortion

IMD (swept tones)

Panasonic SL-MP75 portable CD/MP3 player audio test

This is an audio RMAA test report of Panasonic SL-MP75 portable CD/MP3 player.


This first table presents a results of test of player feeded by wall AC 220V to DC 5V converter.

Testing chain: SL-MP75 (16-bit, 44.1 kHz WAV file playback) -> CORDA ARIETTA -> Creative Sound Blaster Digital Music Premium HD line-in (24-bit, 48 kHz).
Frequency response (from 40 Hz to 15 kHz), dB : +0.43, -0.13
Noise level, dB (A) : -82.3
Dynamic range, dB (A) : 82.5
THD, % : 0.015
THD + Noise, dB (A) : -73.7
IMD + Noise, % : 0.069
Stereo crosstalk, dB : -84.1
IMD at 10 kHz, % : 0.045

Next two tables presents a results of tests of player feeded by batteries.

Testing chain: SL-MP75 (16-bit, 44.1 kHz WAV file playback) -> CORDA ARIETTA -> Creative Sound Blaster Digital Music Premium HD line-in (24-bit, 48 kHz).
Frequency response (from 40 Hz to 15 kHz), dB : +0.49, -0.13
Noise level, dB (A) : -87.1
Dynamic range, dB (A) : 87.1
THD, % : 0.011
THD + Noise, dB (A) : -75.2
IMD + Noise, % : 0.047
Stereo crosstalk, dB : -86.9
IMD at 10 kHz, % : 0.032

Testing chain: SL-MP75 with 16 Ohm load (16-bit, 44.1 kHz WAV file playback) -> CORDA ARIETTA -> Creative Sound Blaster Digital Music Premium HD line-in (24-bit, 48 kHz).
Frequency response (from 40 Hz to 15 kHz), dB : +0.03, -1.55
Noise level, dB (A) : -89.5
Dynamic range, dB (A) : 89.4
THD, % : 0.433
THD + Noise, dB (A) : -45.0
IMD + Noise, % : 1.943
Stereo crosstalk, dB : -78.9
IMD at 10 kHz, % : 0.509

CORDA ARIETTA preamplifier with crossfeed filter turned off.

Frequency response

Noise level

Dynamic range

THD + Noise (at -3 dB FS)

Intermodulation distortion

IMD (swept tones)


USB flash drive capacity recovery

After using a Windows Image Writer to make a bootable Chromium OS USB drive (*), my 8 GByte USB flash memory stick has been partitioned to a 2 GByte size.

Go here to recover 8 GByte capacity.

Click Start , type CMD in the search field and press enter key to open the Windows Command window. The default command prompt should be C:\> .

run diskpart
The prompt changes to reflect the actions done within DISKPART command, DISKPART> .

This command reports the number 0 represents the hard drive, and the number 1 is assigned to the USB drive in a single HDD PC configuration.

Disk 1 is now the selected disk.
(Replace the number 1 with the variable assigned for your USB drive in the previous command.)

DiskPart succeeded in cleaning the disk.

DiskPart succeeded in creating the specified partition.


Voilà. Next make format by usual way...

*) How To Turn Your Netbook Into a Chromebook with Chromium OS - http://lifehacker.com/5820358/how-to-turn-your-netbook-into-a-chromebook-with-chromium-os


Samsung GALAXY Ace2 audio test

Android smartphone Samsung GALAXY Ace2 (GT-I8160) audio RMAA test report.

Testing chain: Ace2 (16-bit, 44.1 kHz WAV file playback) -> CORDA ARIETTA -> Creative Sound Blaster Digital Music Premium HD line-in (24-bit, 48 kHz).
Frequency response (from 40 Hz to 15 kHz), dB : -0.09, -0.24
Noise level, dB (A) : -90.1
Dynamic range, dB (A) : 89.2
THD, % : 0.011
THD + Noise, dB (A) : -75.5
IMD + Noise, % : 0.018
Stereo crosstalk, dB : -88.7
IMD at 10 kHz, % : 0.021

Testing chain:  Ace2 with 16 Ohm load (16-bit, 44.1 kHz WAV file playback) -> CORDA ARIETTA -> Creative Sound Blaster Digital Music Premium HD line-in (24-bit, 48 kHz).
Frequency response (from 40 Hz to 15 kHz), dB : -0.05, -0.22
Noise level, dB (A) : -87.4
Dynamic range, dB (A) : 86.5
THD, % : 0.021
THD + Noise, dB (A) : -70.4
IMD + Noise, % : 0.023
Stereo crosstalk, dB : -61.8
IMD at 10 kHz, % : 0.054

CORDA ARIETTA preamplifier with crossfeed filter turned off.

Frequency response

Noise level

Dynamic range

THD + Noise (at -3 dB FS)

Intermodulation distortion

IMD (swept tones)


Crossfeed digital processing

There is a list of crossfeeding software for headphone listening:



ALC892 RMAA test report

RMAA test report of Realtek High Definition Audio (ALC892) @ Asus P8H67-M PC motherboard.

Testing chain: ALC892 line-out (24-bit, 48 kHz) -> SBLive!24 line-in (24-bit, 48 kHz).
Frequency response (from 40 Hz to 15 kHz), dB : +0.02, -0.14
Noise level, dB (A) : -94.1
Dynamic range, dB (A) : 94.1
THD, % : 0.0037
THD + Noise, dB (A) : -79.4
IMD + Noise, % : 0.012
Stereo crosstalk, dB : -91.2
IMD at 10 kHz, % : 0.0095

Frequency response

Noise level

Dynamic range

THD + Noise (at -3 dB FS)

Intermodulation distortion

Stereo crosstalk

IMD (swept tones)


Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi HD Sound Card RMAA test report

"Audiophile Performance, Convenient Connectivity, USB Simplicity" - that is Creative Sound Blaster Digital Music Premium HD (X-Fi HD).

Below is a RightMark Audio Analyzer (RMAA) audio test.
See also a 96 kHz test here.

Testing chain: line-out (24-bit, 48 kHz) -> line-in (24-bit, 48 kHz).
Frequency response (from 40 Hz to 15 kHz), dB : +0.02, -0.07
Noise level, dB (A) : -102.0
Dynamic range, dB (A) : 102.0
THD, % : 0.0031
THD + Noise, dB (A) : -87.0
IMD + Noise, % : 0.0043
Stereo crosstalk, dB : -97.2
IMD at 10 kHz, % : 0.0064

Frequency response

Noise level

Dynamic range

THD + Noise (at -3 dB FS)

Intermodulation distortion

Stereo crosstalk

IMD (swept tones)

Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi HD Sound Card inside

"Audiophile Performance, Convenient Connectivity, USB Simplicity" - that is Creative Sound Blaster Digital Music Premium HD (X-Fi HD).

See also an RMAA audio test of this sound card.

CA0189 - highly-integrated, high-performance system-on-chip.
STM 33078 - dual operational amplifier.
Can be used with a little hard driven headphones.



FTP service rising up by CentOS 6.2

Get the minimal ISO image from
where mirror.xxx.yyy can be checked from mirror list http://www.centos.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=30

have installed...

# yum update
# reboot
# yum remove kernel-2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64
# yum install man
# yum install traceroute

# yum install ntp
# vi /etc/ntp.conf
(edit)> server <X.X.X.X>
(edit)> restrict mask nomodify notrap
# chkconfig --level 3 ntpd on
# service ntpd start

# vi /etc/rsyslog.conf
(uncoment)> $ModLoad imudp.so
(uncoment)> $UDPServerRun 514
# kill -HUP $(cat /var/run/syslogd.pid)

# yum install cronie
# service crond start

# yum install logwatch

# chkconfig --level 3 iptables off
# service iptables stop
# chkconfig --level 3 ip6tables off
# service ip6tables stop

# service --status-all
# chkconfig --list | grep '3:on'
( # find /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/ -name 'S*' | sort )

# chkconfig --level 3 nfslock off
# service nfslock stop
# chkconfig --level 3 rpcbind off
# service rpcbind stop
# chkconfig --level 3 rpcidmapd off
# service rpcidmapd stop
# chkconfig --level 3 rpcgssd off
# service rpcgssd stop
# chkconfig --level 3 netfs off
# service netfs stop
# chkconfig --level 3 fcoe off
# service fcoe stop
# chkconfig --level 3 lldpad off
# service lldpad stop
# chkconfig --level 3 iscsid off
# service iscsid stop
# chkconfig --level 3 iscsi off
# service iscsi stop

# adduser -c "<User Name>" -m -u 1001 -g users -G wheel <login>
# passwd <login>

# vi /etc/aliases; newaliases

# vi /etc/pam.d/su
(uncoment)> auth required pam_wheel.so use_uid

( if sudo installed
# vi /etc/sudoers
(uncoment)> %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
(edit)> PermitRootLogin no
# kill -HUP `cat /var/run/sshd.pid`

# vi /etc/sysconfig/network
(del)> GATEWAY=<X.X.X.X>
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
(del)> DNS1=<X.X.X.X>
(del)> DOMAIN=x.y
...(less /etc/resolv.conf)
# service network restart

# vi /etc/hosts
(edit)> localhost localhost.yyy.local
(edit)> ::1 localhost localhost.yyy.local
(edit)> xxx xxx.yyy.local

# yum install telnet
# yum install bind-utils
# yum install ftp
# yum install elinks

# yum install vsftpd
# chkconfig --level 3 vsftpd on
# setsebool -P ftp_home_dir 1
(“vsftpd 500 OOPS: cannot change directory: /home/<login>” error for local users with SELinux)
# touch /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list
# chmod og-r /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list
# vi /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list
(edit)> <login>
# vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
(edit)> xferlog_std_format=NO
(edit)> ftpd_banner=Welcome to My Nightmare...
(edit)> chroot_local_user=YES
(edit)> chroot_list_enable=YES
(edit)> session_support=YES
(edit)> local_umask=002
# rm /var/log/xferlog
# mkdir /home/ftp
# chcon -h unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t:s0 /home/ftp/
# mkdir /home/ftp/pub
# vipw
(edit)> ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/home/ftp/pub:/sbin/nologin
# vi /home/ftp/pub/robots.txt
(edit)> user-agent: *
(edit)> disallow: /
# service vsftpd start

# groupadd --gid 50000 ftpadmin
# groupadd --gid 50001 ftpusers
# useradd --comment "FTP Admin" --uid 50000 --gid ftpadmin --groups ftpusers -M --home /home/ftp --shell /sbin/nologin admin
# passwd admin
# useradd --comment "FTP User1" --uid 50001 --gid ftpusers -M --home /home/ftp/user1 --shell /sbin/nologin user1
# passwd user1
# mkdir /home/ftp/pub/pub
# chgrp ftpadmin /home/ftp/pub/pub
# chmod g+w /home/ftp/pub/pub
# mkdir /home/ftp/user1
# chown user1 /home/ftp/user1/
# chgrp ftpusers /home/ftp/user1/
# chmod o-rx /home/ftp/user1/
# chmod g+w /home/ftp/user1/



AudioCodes MP-112 inside

AudioCodes MP-112 analog VoIP gateway inside images.
  • 2 FXS ports
  • G.711, G.723.1, G.726, G.729A, EG.711, G.722
  • MGCP (RFC 2- 05), H.323 (V4), SIP (RFC 3261)



MEIER-AUDIO CORDA ARIETTA headphone amplifier inside.

MEIER-AUDIO CORDA ARIETTA headphone amplifier inside - pics, chips and schematic...
The middle switch is for a low level crossfeed filter.
See also an audio RMAA tests here.


  • IC1-IC4 - LM6171 (High speed unity-gain stable voltage feedback amplifier)
  • IC5-IC6 - BUF634T (250mA high-speed buffer)
  • IC7-IC8 - DB107 (Bridge rectifier)
  • IC9 - LM7815 (Voltage regulator)
  • IC10 - LM7915 (Voltage regulator)

Schematic of the amp is similar to that shown below are taken from earler article of Jan Meier named "A DIY Headphone Amplifier With Natural Crossfeed by Jan Meier".

A DIY Headphone Amplifier
With Natural Crossfeed

 Power supply

Some info from Meier's site:
  • $240,- outside EC.
  • The CORDA ARIETTA is a small budget-amp with a big sound. It has a detailed and natural sound. There is a touch of warmth that makes this amp slightly forgiving. A very nice entry amp for a really nice price!
  • Maximum amplification factor 3.0 (+ 10 dB).
  • Maximum output voltage 13V.
  • Maximum peak output current 250 mA.
  • Crossfeed filter (stereo, low).
  • Gold-plated input jacks.
  • Silver plated headphone jack (Neutrik).
  • Silver plated heavy duty switch.
  • Alps Blue Potentiometer.
  • 3.2 Watts toroidal transformer.
  • 110V and 220V selectable.
  • Power uptake 2 Watts.
  • Built-in groundloop breaker.
  • Low impedance electrolytic buffer capacitors. Total Buffer capacity 28.000 uF.
  • Ceramic bypass capacitors in the power supply.
  • Polystyrol and polypropylen capacitors in the signal path.
  • Metalfilm resistors in the signal path.
  • Double sided PCB.
  • LM6171 opamps biased into class-A.
  • BUF634 buffer amplifiers at each output channel.
  • Star-ground and ultra short signal paths.
  • Signal paths and signal path components at the bottom side of the PCB for maximal shielding.
  • Sturdy aluminium enclosure.
  • Weight: 0.8 kg.
  • Size: 18.0 x 10.7 x 6.1 cm.

Outdated product.